Thursday, April 25, 2024

Faith and Fear

We are in a battle for the lost. The enemy seeks to intimidate you by the use of the weapon of fear. It is meant to paralyze you. Your weapon is faith. It is more powerful than fear. Faith overcomes fear. Your concern is that if you bring up the things of God with a stranger, he will think that you are strange. He will think that you are a religious weirdo. Here's how faith works. Because you have faith in God's Word, you know that if the stranger dies in his sins, he will go to Hell … forever. Love and concern for his eternal salvation will overcome your fear. Simply think of this realityhis worstcase scenario is the Lake of Fire; yours is that a stranger will think that you are strange. You must make the first move. There goes another minute. Gone forever. Go share your faith while you still have time.