Sunday, March 02, 2025

Kick For Dear Life

Muscle grows through resistance. If you want to grow physically, get into a swimming pool and hold a fivegallon container filled with water at head level. To stay afloat, you will have to kick for dear life. The key in this exercise is to have the lid off the container, turn it upside down and let the water drain out as you kick. A great comfort is that you know that as time passes, as you become tired, the weight is going to get lighter, and that knowledge will spur you on. As you step into the waters of personal evangelism, the weight of apprehension may seem unbearable at first, but as you pour yourself out for the Gospel, you will have the knowledge that God will relieve you of the weight. Each time you exercise yourself in this, you will strengthen yourself spiritually. There goes another minute. Gone forever. Go share your faith while you still have time.